Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.After many hours of editing, I finally made it through all of the Washington trip photos. We had an awesome time and saw lots of amazing things. I'll let the photos do most of the talking but I thought I would post a few excerpts from our trip Journal:
May 28th "Saw Mt. Rainer, awesome, stuck out like a sore thumb. Weather in Seattle was ~80 degrees, sunny, clear...Drove Hyundai Accent a.k.a Clown Car to Olympic, made it to Kaloch just it time for sunset. Beautiful, touched Pacific Ocean."
June 1st "The first .5 mi was straight up and intense. Then we were on the ridge, saw great views. Then we hit a snow field & lost the trail."
June 2nd "Stopped at Deception Pass State Park for lunch. We made fried bologna & cheese sandwiches. It was great!!! There were lots of fighter jets flying over the water because there was a Navy Base on the island...We stopped at Cascadian Farms which was lovely. We got homemade raspberry chocolate chip ice cream (organic)."
June 4th "Suffered through another oatmeal breakfast. Luckily the bears didn't get to ur bear bag 30ft up in a tree...we descended ~1000 feet down in .8 miles. At the bottom were two old miner/fur trapper cabins from the early 1900's. They are called Meadow/Swamp cabins...there are signatures on the wall from the 1920's and on. It seems that these cabins are not frequented as there were only 3 journal entries from 2009."
June 5th "Caught the bus back from Seattle to the hotel for the best night of sleep ever. Softest pillows ever made (esp. after 9 days w/o a pillow).
June 6th "we went to Pike Place market... There is a fish market there and the guys throw the fish over the counter to be filleted. They got Pat to go behind the counter and threw him a big fish, which he caught and everyone cheered...Took off for flight home! Great Fay Sibling trip!!! '09!
Note about the slideshow: If you roll your mouse over the slideshow you can adjust the speed, pause etc. at the top.